Many, many thanks to the parishioners who so faithfully contribute chicken and desserts month after month and year after year to our monthly meal commitment to Emmanuel Dining Room East. Fifteen to twenty donors contribute every month. The staff at EDR is always so grateful when we deliver our meal each month (which they know is so delicious!). It means so much to the people served, about a fourth of whom are children born into poverty.
This consistent commitment to EDR is especially meaningful now as The Ministry of Caring published in its Reaching Out Winter issue that it is currently seeking more organizations to make the same one day a month meal commitment. Thank you, as well, to our volunteers who come each month to make the stuffing portion of our meal. All your help and support is so very needed and so very much appreciated.
St. Joseph's provides a chicken meal to Emmanuel Dining Room once a month. Volunteers purchase and cook about 18 to 24 chicken thighs and/or bring various desserts.
Please bring your cooked chicken and desserts to the Family Center between 8 and 9 A.M. on that day. If you would like to help make the stuffing in the Family Center kitchen, please contact Peg Janes 302-656-3635 or [email protected].
Thank you so much for your continuing support.
Emmanuel Dining Room dates for 2025 Friday, January 10 Tuesday, February 11 Tuesday, March 11 Friday, April 11 Friday, May 9 Wednesday, June 11 Friday, July 11 Monday, August 11 Thursday, September 11 Friday, October 10 Tuesday, November 11 Thursday, December 11