The Deanery Leadership Team met on Monday, January 29, 2024 to again review and discuss the recent survey.
The top three synodal themes that emerged from our parish assessments:
Notable Absence of Youth & Young Adults
Significant Decline in Church Participation
Value for the Faith and Teachings of the Catholic Church
As a result, the following goals have been created by the Deanery Leadership Team.
Develop an inviting and rewarding program for the youth and young adults of our deanery parishes.
Educate the faithful of our parishes in their faith, so that they may become evangelizers to those who are missing (those who have left due to various reasons) from our parishes and the unchurched in our communities.
Develop and utilize a deanery website which would be employed by our deanery parishes to inform the faithful of the various liturgical schedules, programs, etc…
The Deanery Leadership Team is meeting on February 12, 2024 to discuss the implementation of the three established goals. Stay tuned for further updates.