Please consider supporting the Faith and Charity Catholic Appeal. Your gift directly helps ministries within our Diocese that feed, shelter, and clothe the homeless, help the spiritually needy, and form our young people in faith and service. Click for more info.
The SJOTB Knights of Columbus are partnering again this year with Hockessin Cub Scout Pack 959 to plant U.S. stick flags on all our Veteran's graves in our three cemeteries prior to Memorial Day.
The Music Ministry of St. Joseph on the Brandywine Church presents "Let Us Rejoice and Be Glad!" An inspirational concert. Join us on May 21, 2023, at 2pm, in the church. Click for more info.
Mother’s Day Rose Sale Proceeds benefit Birthright of Delaware Birthright of Delaware will host its Annual Mother’s Day Rose Sale at our parish. Please support Birthright’s crisis pregnancy services by purchasing roses after Masses on Mother’s Day weekend, May 12th - 14th after all Masses. Click for more info.